Evidence-based assessment/Portfolio template/What is a "portfolio"

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"What is an Assessment Portfolio"?

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The "portfolios" are toolkits pulling together high-quality information and resources about evidence-based assessment. They are organized by disorder or clinical issue, in a structure similar to the way that handbook chapters or review articles would approach a topic. The goal is to make the material easy for clinicians to find, navigate, and use. Each covers the following sections:

  • Base rates in different settings,
  • Diagnostic criteria and considerations (ICD-10 diagnostic criteria),
  • Assessment resources,
  • Diagnostic interviews,
  • Progress measures, and
  • Outcome measures.

The materials also include administration information, psychometric data, scoring information, and links to the measures themselves. They are grouped as:

  1. Rating scales and checklists (including screeners, severity measures, risk checklists). These can often be done online, mailed ahead of time, or completed in the waiting room.
  2. Diagnostic interviews, observational ratings, and things that finalize diagnosis, case formulation, and initial treatment plan. These are typically done during the first session, or intake interview.
  3. Progress and Outcome measures. These could be rating scales that are repeated because they are sensitive to change and treatment effects, or diaries, mood charts, daily report cards, or passive data collection via actigraphy and smart phone apps. These are done after the first session, and may be repeated over the course of treatment, or even after treatment ends to monitor for possible relapse.

List of Portfolios by Disorder or Clinical Issue

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A complete list of portfolios is available here, which you can sort by age and broad category.

Instructions for Portfolio Editors

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  • All instances where you need to replace general phrases are noted by parentheses and are in bold. Ex. (insert portfolio name)
  • Anything marked by 4 asterisks is merely instructional and for your use when adapting the template to a real portfolio; any asterisked material should be deleted in your actual portfolio.
  • For example: "****Below are two examples of with what you should put in this table."
  • Make sure to delete this code in the final portfolio.

Beginning a New Portfolio

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  • If you would like to create a new assessment portfolio that does not already exist then contact HGAPSclub@gmail.com for assistance.