High school physics/Centripetal acceleration

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Any object in rotational motion due to any centripetal force such as due to gravitation, experiences an equal and opposite centrifugal force.

Centripetal Acceleration = Centripetal Force / Mass of the revolving body

Linear distance (X) = Radius (R) x Angular distance (A) = Radius x Angle in radians

Therefore, Linear Velocity (V) = dX / dt = R x dA/dt = Rw = Radius x Angular Velocity

Therefore, Centripetal Acceleration = Linear Velocity x Angular Velocity = Radius x (Angular Velocity)^2 = (Linear Velocity)^2 / Radius = V^2 / R

Therefore, Centripetal Force = Mass x Centripetal Acceleration = M x V^2 / R

See also

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