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COVID-19/All-cause deaths/Chile

From Wikiversity

Weekly all-cause deaths in Chile, based on mortality.org data, stmf.csv[1], 3-week moving average:

mortality.org indicates the data for the last weeks to be preliminary; above, the last two weeks available from mortality.org were excluded to prevent the worst effect of registration delay.

Weekly all-cause deaths in Chile for 0-14 year olds, based on mortality.org data, stmf.csv[2], 7-week moving average:

mortality.org indicates the data for the last weeks to be preliminary; above, the last two weeks available from mortality.org were excluded were excluded to prevent the worst effect of registration delay.

All-cause deaths in Chile in weeks 1-18, year by year, based on mortality.org data, stmf.csv[3]:

mortality.org indicates the data for the last weeks to be preliminary; above, the last two weeks available from mortality.org were excluded to prevent the worst effect of registration delay. The above is not adjusted by population size.

All-cause deaths in Chile in weeks 40+ year before and weeks 1-18 of the year, year by year, based on mortality.org data, stmf.csv[4]:

mortality.org indicates the data for the last weeks to be preliminary; above, the last two weeks available from mortality.org were excluded to prevent the worst effect of registration delay. The above is not adjusted by population size.

All-cause death excess percentage in Chile, year by year, based on mortality.org data, stmf.csv[5]:

Above, the minimum over previous last 4 years is taken as the baseline against which the excess is calculated, and the last year is dropped as incomplete. The count of 4 instead of the usual 5 reference years was chosen since the data series is very short, and this allows to show a value for year 2020, which had significant excess.

Script oneliners to update the charts:

  • plotHmd.py stmf.csv CHL DTotal 3 --svg
  • plotHmd.py stmf.csv CHL D0_14 7 --svg
  • plotHmdPerYear.py stmf.csv CHL DTotal
  • plotHmdPerSeason.py stmf.csv CHL DTotal
  • plotHmdExcessDeathPercPerYear.py stmf.csv CHL DTotal 4 --svg

See also:

External links: