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(Redirected from Apologizing in English)

Key sentences

Person apologizing Friend
Remember how I borrowed your (noun) ?
Remember how you let me your (noun) ?
Yeah. What happened?
Uh huh?
Person apologizing Friend
I'm really sorry, but I (verb) it by accident. Oh.
Person apologizing Friend
I (past progressive) and I broke it. I see.
Person apologizing Friend
I'm really sorry.
I didn't mean to.
That's ok.
Don't worry about it.


Say these sentences without looking.

Remember how I borrowed your (noun) ?
noun sentence
book Remember how I borrowed your book ?
glass Remember how I borrowed your glass ?
suitcase Remember how I borrowed your suitcase ?
jacket Remember how I borrowed your jacket ?
I'm really sorry, but I (verb) it by accident.
verb sentence
ruined I'm really sorry, but I ruined it by accident.
lost I'm really sorry, but I lost it by accident.
stained I'm really sorry, but I stained it by accident.
damaged I'm really sorry, but I damaged it by accident.
I (past progressive) and I broke it.
past progressive sentence
was running I was running and I broke it.
was hiking I was hiking and I broke it.
was cooking I was cooking and I broke it.
was playing soccer I was playing soccer and I broke it.


Practice this conversation.

Person apologizing Friend
Remember how I borrowed your (book) ? Yeah. What happened?
Person apologizing Friend
I'm really sorry, but I (ruined) it by accident. Oh.
Person apologizing Friend
I (was running) and I broke it. I see.
Person apologizing Friend
I'm really sorry. That's ok.

Change partners. Use your imagination and change the sentences.


Use your imagination. Make your own conversation.

Person apologizing Friend

Remember how I borrowed your ... ?

Yeah. What happened?

Person apologizing Friend
I'm really sorry, but I ... it by accident. Oh.
Person apologizing Friend
I ... and I broke it. I see.
Person apologizing Friend
I'm really sorry. That's ok.

Change partners. Use your imagination and make another conversation.


Person apologizing Friend
You borrowed something and damaged it. Apologize. Listen to your friend.

Further study

Resource type: this resource is a lesson in English as a second language.


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1 Put these words in the correct order.

lent remember your you me how glasses
Word 1
Word 2
Word 3
Word 4
Word 5
Word 6
Word 7

2 Put these words in the correct order.

sorry really I I'm but broke it
Word 1
Word 2
Word 3
Word 4
Word 5
Word 6
Word 7

3 Put these words in the correct order. ("I" is used two times.)

broke was I and running it
Word 1
Word 2
Word 3
Word 4
Word 5
Word 6
Word 7