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Risk Management/Content Matrix

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SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities - Learning Resource supports the SDGs - UN-Guidelines[1]

Risk Management - Content Matrix

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MATRIX Technology Implementation Research
RISK: Where is the risk? e.g GIS Tutorial for Risk Maps Implement Spatial Risk Mapping e.g. Identify Pathway of Toxicants to Humans
RESPONSE: Where are the resources? e.g. Tutorial of Resource Allocation with GIS e.g. Implement access to risk mitigation resource by application of mobile devices e.g. Research about Optimization of Resource Allocation applicable for Risk Mitigation
EDUCATION: Do the people know? e.g. Tutorial for Risk Mitigation app for mobile devices e.g. Implementation of Risk Literacy Programmes[2] e.g. Living Lab Research for Capacity Building of Risk Literacy

Risk management is the

Basic Risk and Response Cycle
  • (Risk) identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks as the effect of uncertainty on objectives
  • (Response) coordination for an improved preparedness for the determined risk, followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events[3] or to maximize the realization of opportunities for risk mitigation.
  • (Education) learn to identify risks and perform an appropriate response are approached in the module about Risk Literacy.

Systemic Connectivity: The application and allocation of resources for risk mitigation is part of the response to the identified risk. The response (e.g. vector control for mosquitoes, education in risk literacy) in turn changes risk due to better preparedness. Assessment of risk mitigation activities triggers an alteration of allocation and application of resources to improve risk mitigation in the next loop. Education helps, so that individuals can respond appropriately to risk.

Origin of Course Development

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The development of courses for Risk management as a learning content builds of the Open Community Approach to support Capacity Building for Risk Literacy and provide access to risk management knowledge (see EFG-SGH). The objective is to support learning and comprehension of decision making process under uncertainty to minimize negative impacts on the community, improve awareness of the risk and better preparedness in case of a negative events. The spatial patterns of risk and the spatial availability of resources for risk mitigation are main aspect of the spatial decision support. The results of the [w:Community_of_practice|community of practice] at the Expert Focus Group for Space and Global Health and generalisations derived from international activities for disaster management[4] are the foundations for this course. Tailored capacity building for community needs can be developed and shared in Wikiversity.

Subtopics of Risk Mitigation

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Information for Teachers

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Quality Assurance of Course Material

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The Wikiversity Enviroment is regarded as working environment with the Quality Assurance of the Wiki-Community. Nevertheless the educational institution may want to create snapshot of quality assured articles at a certain time. The following processes is suggested:

  • Quality Assurance as Part of the Wiki Community: perform a quality assurance of the selected articles, topics, ... in Wikipedia and Wikiversity that are relevant for a certain course (e.g. GIS and Health) and add scientific citations, respond to , ...
  • Wikibook Export & Publication: Publish the Wikibook with date, names of team members, that did the final quality assurance for creating the course material. So this procedure freezes a snapshot of Wiki content as reference for course material of an University in the year , that is available e.g. in learning management system the e.g. a University works with.
  • Public-Private-Versioning (PPV): Private versioning are performed by a group of authors that allow public read access to the repository and write access is limited to the group of authors. trust in capacity building material is mainly the trust of potential users in the quality assurance of the group of authors. Private versioning can be realized e.g. in GitHub. This provides a transparency for
      Who created, modified, what, when?

Just like a wiki is allows a private versioning of content and the trust in a group authors might lead to decision to use the last quality assured version in the private versioning system instead the lasted version in wiki. References in the wikiversity content to quality assured private version are recommended to insert in the learning resource. It is not necessary that the quality assured versions are stored in GitHub as technical solution. Quality assured Capacity Building material can be published by an organization on the web portal[10]. In turn public available resources need a OER license, so that the capacity building material can be adapted to local and regional requirements and constraints.

See also

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In order to start this wikiversity initiative the following support was appreciated to iniated an infrastructure that is sustainable with an Open Community benefit for participating institutions.

  • Living Lab Support for Risk Management by Prof. Dr. Marlien Herselmann (South Africa).
  • Support for IT-Strategies for Batch Systems and Certificates by Dr. Adele Botha (South Africa).
  • Support for Networking Support in the Risk Management in the Context of Proposals by Dr. Melanie Platz (Germany)
  • support in structuring and linking the learning resources (Prof. Dr. Dave Braunschweig)


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  1. UN-Guidelines for Use of SDG logo and the 17 SDG icons (2016/10) - http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/UN-Guidelines-for-Use-of-SDG-logo-and-17-icons.October-2016.pdf
  2. WHO - Risk Mitigation Programme - Clean Care Safer Care (2005) - http://www.who.int/gpsc/background/en/
  3. Hubbard, Douglas (2009). The Failure of Risk Management: Why It's Broken and How to Fix It. John Wiley & Sons. p. 46. 
  4. Boccardo, P. (2013). New perspectives in emergency mapping. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 46(1), 571-582.
  5. Von Hippel, E. (1986). Lead users: a source of novel product concepts. Management Science 32, 791–805.
  6. Chesbrough, H.W. (2003). Open Innovation: The new imperative for creating and profiting from technology. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
  7. Almirall, E., Wareham, J. (2011). Living Labs: Arbiters of Mid- and Ground- Level Innovation. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 23(1), 2011 pp. 87-102.
  8. Bilgram, V.; Brem, A.; Voigt, K.-I. (2008). User-Centric Innovations in New Product Development; Systematic Identification of Lead User Harnessing Interactive and Collaborative Online-Tools, in: International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 419-458.
  9. Pallot M. (2009). Engaging Users into Research and Innovation: The Living Lab Approach as a User Centred Open Innovation Ecosystem. Webergence Blog. http://www.cwe-projects.eu/pub/bscw.cgi/1760838?id=715404_1760838
  10. WHO Campaign - Clean Care Safer Care - Tools, rationals, self-assessment - 2005-2015 - http://www.who.int/infection-prevention/campaigns/clean-hands/background/en/