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PCP HIV AIDS Toolkit/Sexuality & Masturbation Quiz

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PCP HIV AIDS Toolkit Sexuality & Masturbation Quiz
This page is part of the PCP HIV AIDS Toolkit.

Facts and Myths about Sexuality Quiz

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Directions: Read and circle either "Fact" or "Myth" for each of the following statements below.

1. It is not possible for a girl to get pregnant if she only has sex during her period.
F / M
2. Abstinence (not having sex) is the only method of birth control that is 100% effective
F / M
3. About 90% of all teenagers have had sex by the time they reach age 17.
F / M
4. A girl cannot get pregnant the first time she has sex.
F / M
5. It is possible to have a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and not even know it.
F / M
6. A man always wants and is ready to be sexually active.
F / M
7. People have a right to say no to sexual activity any time.
F / M
8. Big penises mean better sexual performance.
F / M
9. Males need to have sex to keep good health.
F / M
10. Once a boy gets really excited and gets an erection, he had to go all the way and have intercourse or it will be harmful.
F / M
11. Alcohol and marijuana make it easier to get sexually aroused.
F / M
12. Sexual intercourse is really the best way to express your love for someone.
F / M
13. Women do not have orgasms, so when the male reaches orgasm, the six is finished.
F / M
14. All men can be sexually aroused by a woman, & all women can be sexually aroused by a man.
F / M
15. Sexual activity is only for the purpose of having a baby.
F / M

Masturbation Quiz

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At one time, there was a great deal of concern about masturbation. Many people thought it caused serious health and sexual problems, and it was regarded as sinful. While some of these attitudes and beliefs have changed today, there is still a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding about masturbation. The questions below are intended to find out how much you know about masturbation and give you a chance to express some of your own feelings about it.

Directions: Read and circle either "True" or "False" for each of the following statements below.

1. Most boys masturbate, but very few girls masturbate.
T / F
2. If you masturbate too much, your adult sex life will be affected.
T / F
3. Most people stop masturbating after they get married.
T / F
4. People who masturbate too much are tired and irritable most of the time.
T / F
5. Masturbation is considered more acceptable today than it used to be. Still, it is common for people who masturbate to feel guilty about it.
T / F
6. Masturbation can cause pimples, acne, and other skin problems in teens.
T / F
7. People who masturbate too much when they are young may, as a result, have mental problems when they get older.
T / F
8. Homosexuals masturbate more than heterosexuals do.
T / F
9. People always masturbate alone.
T / F
10. Masturbating before you go out on a date will keep you from getting excited while you are on the date.
T / F
11. When they are masturbating, some people imagine themselves participating in sexual acts they would consider strange at other times. Such fantasies are normal and do not mean that the person is going crazy or will ever try such acts in real life.
T / F

Answer Key: Facts and Myths about Sexuality

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1. It is not possible for a girl to get pregnant if she only has sex her period.

MYTH! It is possible for a girl/woman to get pregnant at any time during her menstrual cycle. Females are able to get pregnant when they are ovulating, usually about 14 days before their period and then again 10-14 days after their period. So it seems like a women would be unable to get pregnant during her period. However, ovulation can occur at any time during their menstrual cycle. This is especially true for adolescents.

2. Abstinence (not having sex) is the only method of birth control that is 100% effective.

FACT! A girl/woman will not become pregnant if she does not have sexual intercourse. However, sperm ejaculated on or near the vagina may enter the vaginal canal and possibly result in pregnancy.

3. About 70% of all teenagers have had sex by the time they reach age 17.

MYTH! Research shows that 30-50% of teens have had sexual intercourse by age 17.

4. A girl cannot get pregnant the first time she has sex.

MYTH! A girl/woman can become pregnant any time she has sex, even the 1st time.

5. It is possible to have a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and not even know it.

FACT! Some STD’s have easily recognizable symptoms; others may have none at all.

6. A man always wants and is ready to be sexually active.

MYTH! Males like to engage in a variety of activities that are totally unrelated to sexual activity. There are times when males may not want to be sexually involved and they should learn how to say no when they feel pressure to have sex.

7. People have a right to say no to sexual activity any time.

FACT! The decision needs to be made each time a person is thinking of having sex with someone. A person has the right to say no if he or she does not want to be sexual with a person even if they’ve already been sexual with the person.

8. Big penises mean better sexual performance.

MYTH! Penis size has nothing to do with masculinity or his sexual ability.

9. Males need to have sex to keep good health.

MYTH! It is normal and healthy for both males and females to have sexual feelings and desire to express them, but neither males nor females need to have sex to be healthy.

10. Once a boy gets really excited and gets an erection, he had to go all the way and have intercourse or it will be harmful.

MYTH! There is no harm in not acting on every sexual urge. Semen cannot get “backed-up” and demand ejaculation. Occasionally a boy might feel some discomfort if he is sexually excited or an extended period of time. This will disappear when he is able to relax, or if he masturbates.

11. Alcohol and marijuana make it easier to get sexually aroused.

MYTH! They have exactly the opposite effect. Alcohol and marijuana may increase desire and reduce inhibitions (make you feel better) but they decrease the flow of blood to the genital area and make it more difficult for males to have an erection and more difficult for males and females to experience orgasm. More importantly, they can make people feel like it is okay to do things they would not ordinarily do sexually, such as have intercourse or not protect themselves against pregnancy, STD’s, and HIV infection.

12. Sexual intercourse is really the best way to express your love for someone.

MYTH! There are hundreds of ways to show you care about or love someone without physical intimacy. In addition sexual activity includes a range of physical intimacy including holdings hands, hugging, kissing, touching, caressing to orgasm, ect. Sexual intercourse is only one type of sexual activity and only one way to express love.

13. Women do not have orgasms, so when the male reaches orgasm, the six is finished.

MYTH! Women do have orgasms. It may take some sensitivity and patience on the male’s part to learn how to be sure that he female experiences orgasm; especially if he is extremely excited. Males generally achieve orgasm faster than females, so it’s important that the male know how to arouse the female. Communicating likes and dislikes is important to ensure that sexual relations are satisfying for both the male and the female.

14. All men can be sexually aroused by a woman, and all women can be sexually aroused by a man.

MYTH! Each person’s sexuality and sense of sexual attraction is different. People are sexually excited by a variety of different types of people. Though a man can be aroused by a woman he finds attractive, other men are not aroused by the same woman or by women at all. Conversely, most women can be excited by a man whom they find appealing, but some women may not find that same man, or any man, sexually attractive.

15. Sexual activity is only for the purpose of having a baby.

MYTH! Sexual activity consists of a wide range of sexual expression. There are many kinds of sexual activity which do not result in pregnancy. It is a very personal decision which the couple must make about when, how and why they will be sexual. If there is open communication and mutual respect, sexual expression can lead to greater trust, caring and intimacy between two people. Sexual intercourse may result in pregnancy, but it does not have to if contraceptive devices are used.

Answer Key: Masturbation

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At one time, there was a great deal of concern about masturbation. Many people thought it caused serious health and sexual problems, and it was regarded as sinful. While some of these attitudes and beliefs have changed today, there is still a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding about masturbation. The questions below are intended to find out how much you know about masturbation and give you a chance to express some of your own feelings about it.

1. Most boys masturbate, but very few girls masturbate.
T / F
2. If you masturbate too much, your adult sex life will be affected.
T / F
3. Most people stop masturbating after they get married.
T / F
4. People who masturbate too much are tired and irritable most of the time.
T / F
5. Masturbation is considered more acceptable today than it used to be. Still, it is common for people who masturbate to feel guilty about it.
T / F
6. Masturbation can cause pimples, acne, and other skin problems in teens.
T / F
7. People who masturbate too much when they are young may, as a result, have mental problems when they get older.
T / F
8. Homosexuals masturbate more than heterosexuals do.
T / F
9. People always masturbate alone.
T / F
10. Masturbating before you go out on a date will keep you from getting excited while you are on the date.
T / F
11. When they are masturbating, some people imagine themselves participating in sexual acts they would consider strange at other times. Such fantasies are normal and do not mean that the person is going crazy or will ever try such acts in real life.
T / F