Japanese I/Vocabulary/Intro
< Japanese I | Vocabulary
- konnichiwa(こんにちは) - hello, good day (often, this phrase is used in the context of good afternoon)
- moshimoshi (もしもし) - hello (informal)
- ohayo(おはよう) - Good morning, (informal)
- ohayo gozaimasu(おはようございます) - Good morning, (formal)
- konbanwa(こんばんは) - good evening
- hai(はい), ee(ええ) - yes
- iie(いいえ) - no
- doumo arigato(どうもありがとう) - thank you
- douzo(どうぞ) - please, go ahead
- gomen nasai(ごめんなさい) - sorry
- sumimasen (すみません) - sorry or excuse me
- Daijōbu desuyo (大丈夫ですよ) - don't worry
- sayonara(さようなら) - goodbye
- oyasuminasai (おやすみなさい) - good night
- onegaishimasu (おねがいします) - please
- Okaerinasai (おかえりなさい) - welcome back