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Art History/Reflections/Connor and Rawson

From Wikiversity

november 1: Rawson: Conner and I have found our 5 pictures for the powerpoint presentation. I believe that it could be difficult to create an entire powerpoint with citations and descriptions in just one period in the lab, but I guess we have to. We have a good number of images, but have not narrowed them down all the way to fifteen yet.

november 14: Rawson: Conner and I presented our power point and I am still kind of struggling to slog through the pictures and dig deeper for more meaning in our pictures. I guess I feel like since we were not really sure exactly what type of images we were looking for that none of our images on art store dig deep at all. I feel like we are going to have to start all over and find more images that are not just illustrations of power and authority. So I guess i better get started.

November 14: Connor: After Rawson and I's powerpoint didn't go so well, we started to go deeper on many of the works we chose. We have been using Art Through The Ages, where we used to only use art stor. That book has been incredibly helpful in our research and in finding background information for the works, and have helped us go past that "it looks powerful." However, now that we are going deeper, it seems that we have to nearly start from scratch, as most of our old works were just of big statues and leaders looking like gods. It may be a bit difficult to find 20 or so good works that can go beneath the first, more superficial level.

November 15: Rawson: Connor and I have been using books instead of Art Store and we have definitely progressed after our poor powerpoint presentation, but having to start over i fear that conner and i will not be able to find over fifteen by tomorrow. Overall, I believe that the books have helped us to look deeper into our theme of Power and Authority and not just at illustrations of it. As of Today we only have around eight images that I am content with so we still need to double that number which could be tough. We are attempting to go deeper into our theme and I believe that the pictures that we have aquired are a better representation of digging to a new level.

November 15: Connor: After starting completely from scratch, almost exclusively using books, Rawson and I have found plenty of images. We originally thought that we wouldn't be able to find any images, but we alrady have 10 summaries. We have mostly used Art Through the Ages, but recently I have been using a book on Mayan Royalty that has been tremendously helpful.

November 19: Connor: Rawson and I had to scan in all the photos from every book, which normally wouldn't be too difficult, but we have to track down all the books we used, which were reshelved, when we thought that they were still going to be in the seminar room. With all this, we doubt that we are going to be able to hit the deadline.

November 19: Rawson: I have had to scan in all the photos from all the books we used. This is annyoing because most of the images we used were in books. Because of the time it took to find all the books and to fix the scanner (it didn't work at first) I feel like we are behind in our formatting.

November 28th- Connor: After being behind, I feel like we are finally starting to catch up. Rawson and I are finishing up the summaries and already have a page or so of the thesis done. I feel like it is more realistic that we will hit our goal.

November 29th: Rawson: Initially, I was worried the we would not be able to finish by the deadline, but we got a lot done yesterday and things are looking optimistic for us. I think some of our summaries are a little bit shorter than the example, but hopefully that is not too much of a problem. I still have two more summaries to do, Connor is finishing up the introduction, and we still have to do the Bibliography in the next two periods, but I think that we will be alright.

December 12: after weeks of frantic working... I finally finished the book. I think that it would be a good idea if the next class were to get more time to work on the project... I don't really feel like we had enough time to really do a thorough job on every summary.