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Art History/Reflections/Alison and Alek

From Wikiversity

Alison--November 1: I have picked the two images that I'm responsible for the powerpoint. I got information about the two images from the internet. I feel a lot more prepared, to explain why these images fit the theme of places of worship and prayer. We still need to find more images, and I think we need to find another source besides Artstor. Don't get me wrong, I like Artstor but I feel like we've "worn it out", and gotten everything out of it that we could. It has also become difficult to find images of places of worship that aren't photographs.

Alison--November 8: I became nervous when the due date was announced and it was november 30. I think that will be enough time to find the images, but not enough time to find information for each of those images. I think that we need to find more images with other sources than Artstor. I think we've gotten everything out of it we could. When we looked in the books, we found really good images that fit our theme well. We still need to find more images so we can narrow down. I think that its going to be really difficult to find the thread.

Alek- November 15- I've been absent alot lately, I was sick last week, and I was at the orthodontist both Tuesday and Wednesday, so I've missed a bit of work, and when Alison told me that the due date was November 30 I was very nervous. And then when she told me that we had to have a paragraph of information about each picture, I got really really nervous. Especially with fifteen images, I feel like that will take lots of work. We have about 17 images, some that we are unsure about, that we feel comfortable and are able to research adequately. We have enough information and research on a couple of them already, from the "check-in point" with those 5 images. We are currently in the process of searching for a few more really good peices of art, and we are also narrowing down and choosing which peices we can research and find information on. We are getting closer and closer to the due date, and we are getting more comfortable with what we have and feel that we can finish in the time alotted.

Alek-November 26- I'm really really stressed out about this project. I wasn't able to work on it over the Thanksgiving break due to the fact that my relatives were in town, and prior to thanksgiving break, I had to catch up in all my classess after missing 1 and a half weeks of school. Westminster is normally very stressful and i always have lots of homework, and it's even more stressful with this project and due date looming over me. I don't know if we'll be able to finish in time, and if we do it will take lots of late nights and hours of work on top of homework i already have to do. It's the end of class on November 26th, and I feel a bit better, but not much, about the way things are going. I've done about four out of eight paragraphs, all of which need some revising, and i still have to format all of the pages. I'm confident with all of our images, and i like all of them, i'm just worried about the amount of work that still needs to be done. this is a very difficult task, especially that it has to be finished by friday, and i have plenty of other work i need to do, especially because many of my teachers have recommended that i already begin to prepare for my exams.

Alison-- November 26- I'm still really stressed about this project and as teh due date gets closer and closer it becomes clearer to me how much I need to do. I wish we had more time but I understand how that is not possible. I think the due dates for the project in the beggining needed to be sricter. I think people thought they weren't really there and that they were more like estimates on when it should be completed. Also when Ms. Davis went to Japan I felt like we were put in slow motion becuase our pace slowed down.

Alek- December 9- our project is completed, all the final revisions are done, it looks beautiful. I am soo incredibly happy to see that all this extremely hard and long work has finally paid off. I really and truly cannot wait to see the final, finished product. The only thing that worries me is the podcasts. Frankly, i dont really understand why we're doing a podcast, it seems really interesting and fun, but i think it will be really difficult for a few reasons. One, are we going to transport the podcasts onto an audio cd so that you can put it into a cd player and read along? Or how will you be able to listen to the podcast or let others listen? Also, mr bishop said we would need to have the podcasts done by tuesday, and im not sure if i can come in extra help on monday since it is exam review week and i need to go to some extra help for other classes to prepare for the exam, and i have a basketball game on tuesday i'm pretty sure, so i wouldnt be able to attend extra help then either i dont think. now that im not stressed anymore about the actual pages, the podcasts are stressing me out.