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ICT in Education/Completed Change Projects/2014B

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Change projects by 2014 B group


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Project Title:Women Development Through ICT

Change agent (name):Asma Akter

Organization:Mofiz Uddin Khan High School


Aim (max 80 words)

Approach/methods: (max 200 words)

Results: (max 200 words)

Conclusions and lessons learned (max 200 words)



Suggestions for the future (max 100 words)

Key words:



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Project Title:

Change agent (name):



Aim (max 80 words)

Approach/methods: (max 200 words)

Results: (max 200 words)

Conclusions and lessons learned (max 200 words)



Suggestions for the future (max 100 words)

Key words:


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Project Title:Improving Teaching-Learning practices in Business Studies using ICT.

Change agent (name):Tasnifa Khanam

Organization: Viqarunnisa Noon School & College


Aim (max 80 words): Restructuring the classroom environment & redesigning the learning tools in Business Studies class by the implementation of ICT & pedagogy.

Approach/methods: • Organize Workshop for the teachers and students of business Studies to build awareness on ICT and Pedagogy integration in classroom. • Conduct In House training on digital content development. • Introduce ICTs in Business Studies classes. • Develop the digital content with the participation of students. • Assignment/group work/project to the student in the class or at home which have to be done using technology. • Online learning, peer learning, subject based software, apps, Dropbox facilities etc. will be practiced for better learning. • Accounting and Finance related mathematical formula and format presented by ICT. • Encourage the authority for using latest technology in the classroom. • Find out the impacts of the change project and prepare a report

Results: • Integration of ICTs on Business Studies will be established. • Students’ higher order of thinking level will be increased. • Learning outcome will be more effective. • Every student can be able to use technology. • Uses of Digital Content on Business Studies will be increased. • Students can assess themselves effortlessly and without much stress

Conclusions and lessons learned : Ultimately, the project will play a vital role to improve the teaching learning quality and efficiency in Business Studies classes by integrating ICT and Pedagogical knowledge. It will also help the learners to expedite their talents to explore the 21st century skills. Moreover, it will provide the opportunities for students to learn in a participatory and enjoyable learning environment by using cost-effective use of ICTs. It will help to contribute to make changes not only in my school but also all over the education sector of our country if it is successfully replicated to other institutions.

Stakeholders:Teachers. Students, Guardians, Authority

Beneficiaries:Students, Teachers, Organization, Nation

Suggestions for the future (max 100 words)

Key words:



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Project Title: Android OS in ICT education in the public educational units of La Paz bolivia.

Change agent (name): R. Alfredo León Sandoval Loza

Organization: La Paz Foundation.


Aim (max 80 words):

to train 200 teachers and 800 students of educational units in the urban area of the municipality of La Paz in the use of Android OS in education.

Approach/methods: (max 200 words) Trough workshops with the teachers and the students in how to incorporate this technology in the teaching learning progress

Results: (max 200 words)

Conclusions and lessons learned (max 200 words)

Stakeholders: The principals of the public educational units, the teachers, the students and the trainers for this project.

Beneficiaries: The teachers and students that are part of the training.

Suggestions for the future (max 100 words)

Key words:


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Project Title: ICT program for professional development of teachers at the Hun Sen Borey 100 Khnang High School.

Change agent (name): Samnang Pok

Organization:Hun Sen Borey 100 Khnang High school

Problem: To Aim (max 80 words)  : improve the level of ICT expertise among teachers at the Hun Sen Borey 100 Khnang High School with an objective of provide them with skills necessary to utilize internet resources to improve their teaching practices, while simultaneously empowering them to encourage students to use internet to supplement their education experience.Moreover, this project aims to provide support for teachers and students to develop their social capacities and helps them participate in the new information-based global economy through the education model based on advanced information technology and networking skills. To this end this project aims to emphasize to the participating teachers the importance of the ICT in modern education

Approach/methods: (max 200 words)

Results: (max 200 words)

Conclusions and lessons learned (max 200 words)



Suggestions for the future (max 100 words)

Key words:

Project Title:Teacher

Change agent (name):ICT and Pedagogical Development Integration in Teaching and learning

Organization: Chak


Aim (max 80 words)

Approach/methods: (max 200 words)

Results: (max 200 words)

Conclusions and lessons learned (max 200 words)



Suggestions for the future (max 100 words)

Key words:


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Project Title:

Change agent (name):



Aim (max 80 words)

Approach/methods: (max 200 words)

Results: (max 200 words)

Conclusions and lessons learned (max 200 words)



Suggestions for the future (max 100 words)

Key words:


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Project Title:STEM Liberia 2014/24

Change agent (name): Marjanne Baker Organization:Stella Marie Polyatechnic College

Problem: Introducing a STEM culture to girls at Spiritan

Aim (max 80 words)

Approach/methods: (max 200 words)

Results: (max 200 words)

Conclusions and lessons learned (max 200 words)



Suggestions for the future (max 100 words)

Key words:


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Project title:

Building computer Labs in 5 big 12 YBE schools in Gasabo district in Rwanda.

Change agent(name):Gerard Muziganyi


Currently, ICT in Rwanda is used as a hub for development in various domains as in public and private sector, to speed up the level of service delivery to different stakeholders and particularly to the citizens whose need quick access to the economic development. This also applied in education system where learning process need some improvement for methodological plans for education development in terms of knowledge and skills. In this regards, this project intends to build the computer labs in 5 selected 12 YBE in Gasabo district.


Basically, ICT knowledge is the prior critical factor that needed to think in case a change is needed within education system in Rwanda in general and particularly in 12 years basic education in Gasabo district as it is the focus of this change project. So, ICT Literacy is the main issue that faced by the 12 YBE schools in Gasabo District.


The methodology that will be used to enhance the ICT knowledge in 12 YBE will focus on ICT training rooms which should be installed in those 5 schools. With this, the teachers and students have to use those ICT training centers to increase their knowledge with the support of ICT teachers from those schools.


The results of this change project are focusing on increasing of the ICT knowledge & skills for teachers and students and the installation of ICT training centers as well.

Conclusions and lessons learned (max 200 words)

After the completion of this project, students and teachers will increase their knowledge in ICT which will lead to extend the project in other remaining schools in Gasabo district.


The stakeholders in this project will be: - Gasabo district, - Schools, - Teachers - Students

Project Title:The use of ICT tools in teaching and learning of Science subjects in the Faculty of Sciences at UR-College of Education

Change agent (name):Pascasie NYIRAHABIMANA

Organization:University of Rwanda-College of Education

Problem:Rwandan Science teachers wish to know and make use of ICT tools in teaching and learning process with the overall aim of improving teaching process and students’ learning active.

Aim (max 80 words):The objectives of the project are:

To use wordpress and slideshare as ICT tools for designing new learning and teaching environments for lecturers in UR-College of Education so that they can help their student-teachers to integrate those tools in teaching practices.

To equip Scientist student-teachers with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills to better utilize wordpress and slideshare for enhancing learners as well as their own professional development.

Approach/methods: (max 200 words):The execution of this project is planned to be done in three steps. In the first step the training of lecturers on the use of wordpress and slideshare will be organized. In the second step the lectures trained will train theirs student- teachers on the use of wordpress and slideshare in teaching Sciences. These student-teachers will apply the acquired knowledge during internship period and afterward. The third step is the evaluation of the project that means to evaluate the use of wordpress and slideshare in teaching Sciences during internship period for student trained.

Results: (max 200 words)

Conclusions and lessons learned (max 200 words)

Stakeholders: University of Rwanda-College of Education

             Dean, Faculty of Sciences, UR-College of Education
             Head of Computer Sciences Department, UR- College of Education

Beneficiaries: Lecturers and student-teachers in Biology, Chemistry and Physics section in Faculty of Sciences, UR-College of Education

Suggestions for the future (max 100 words)

Key words:



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Project Title: Design and development of e-content to teach ICS in secondary schools, a case study of secondary schools in Dodoma region.

Change agent: LEYLA HAMIS LIANA-user:Leyliam

Organisation: University of Dodoma

Problem Statement:

In 2004, the Government launched Phase I of the Secondary Education Development Plan (SEDP I: 2004-2009) and Phase II (SEDP II: 2010-2014). As a result, a notable increase in the number of primary and secondary schools was seen. The number of secondary schools increased from 1,291(2002) to 4,266 (2010) with secondary school enrollment increasing from 328,318 (2002) to 1,638,699 (2010). This rapid expansion of secondary schools and a sharp increase in secondary enrollment did not allow a sufficient time for an equivalent teachers training and as a result Tanzania now faces a shortfall of qualified teachers, educational equipments (books, well equipped laboratories, etc) and teaching technology. The use of ICT in teaching and learning is an inevitable component in the process of improving the quality of our education system. Efforts to introduce and integrate ICT subjects in the secondary education done by MoEVT in 2005 of introducing Information and Computer Science (ICS) for forms 1 to 4 and Computer Science ad ICT subjects for forms 5 and 6 in 2009 suffered a lack of experienced personnel in the field, as a result the subjects have not been adopted by many schools, and till now the subjects are still taught on option basis. The ICS subject is now taught by very few government schools


-To develop course contents for the given ICS syllabus including preparations of slides for the course contents and capturing audio and video clips relevant to the course outline.

-To combine the slides, audio and video clips into an interactive and engaging digital content using necessary authoring tools.

-To deliver the e-content to Secondary Schools in Dodoma Region and finally to help all other Secondary Schools in Tanzania to integrate ICT in teaching and learning.

Approach/methods: (max 200 words)

Results: (max 200 words)

Conclusions and lessons learned (max 200 words)



Suggestions for the future (max 100 words)

Key words: ICS, UDOM, PEDP, SEDP

Change projects by 2014 B group


Project Title: Using Online Web Resources at DUCE

Change agent (name): Esther E. Mallya

Organization: Dar es Salaam University College of Education

Problem Statement Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) is a constituent college of University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) established to alleviate the acute shortage of primary and secondary teachers in the country. The use of ICT and in particular the web technology plays a crucial role in education. However, the use of web technology in education at DUCE is somehow low. The situation affects students who need knowledge from teachers (lecturers).

Aims - To be able to identify relevant web-based resources, organise them and give guidance on its usage - To be able to evaluate e-resources that are mainly use in teaching and learning

Approach/methods: (max 200 words)

Results: (max 200 words) The change project will enable teachers (lecturers) to use web based technology and in particular resources such e-journals, e-articles, e-books, social medias etc in teaching. Thus, will bring a positive impact to students who to some extent depend on the knowledge and guidance from their teachers (lecturers).

Conclusions and lessons learned (max 200 words)

Stakeholders:DUCE lecturers


Suggestions for the future (max 100 words)

Key words: DUCE, ICT

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Change projects by 2014 B group


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Project Title:Integration of ICT Knowledge and Skills in Teaching and Learning at

                   Dodoma Secondary School, In Dodoma - Tanzania


Organization: DODOMA SEC. SCHOOL

Problem: The school is still using the old mode of teaching using a chalkboard and old material in the process of

              teaching and learning.Since the organization is a science and ICT center it has to live upto the center is   

Aim (max 80 words) To support the Government’s National ICT Program by monitoring proper, sustainability ,

                       transparence   and accountability in integration of ICT  program in Dodoma secondary

 Capacity building in training and mobilization of teachers in ICT awareness rogram

                       not to teachers but also students in ICS information and computer studies   

Approach/methods: (training teacher )hands on various tool in ICT PEDAGOGICAL. This to enable teachers to explore Technology Results: 

Conclusions and lessons learned:


Suggestions for the future (max 100 words)Key words:


Change agent (name): Shima D. Banele

Organization: Mkinga District Council

Problem: The district is experiencing shortage of science and mathematics teachers amounted to 24 who are supposed to teach 4,223 students, using traditional mode of pedagogical practice (100%) which makes them to experience tiresome job to meet the needs of all learners. Furthermore the science and mathematics performance of the students in the district is not excellent especially in their final examination (mass failures) and mostly has developed phobia to the mentioned subjects while lacking motivation.

Aim (max 80 words): The objectives of the change project will be to: • Equip Mkinga district science and mathematics secondary school teachers knowledge and skills in application of ICT to pedagogical practices

Approach/methods: Hands-on activities involving teachers to get skills and knowledge on basic application of Microsoft Office (Word Processing, Spreadsheet-excel, Power point and movie maker)

Results: The Change project will lead to the following expectations:- • Having science and mathematics interactive teaching and learning process. • Motivate the students to learn science and mathematics • Increase students performance and results as the scope of learning will be extended from concentrating with printed materials to the use of interactive web materials through the use of internet • Increase science and mathematics teachers networking as they can access educational materials to and from different spectrum. • Reduce science and mathematics teachers tiresome job currently experienced.

Conclusions and lessons learned:

Stakeholders: Government, parents, teachers and education officers.

Beneficiaries: Teachers, students and community

Suggestions for the future:

Key words: ICT,pedagogy, designing and development, interactive teaching and learning, interactive web resources.


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Project Title:

Empowering Teacher Trainees At Kaliro National Teachers College in integration of ICTs in the teaching and learning of poetry. 

Change agent (name): Nellie Florence Okullo

Organization: Ministry of Education and Sports

Problem: the use of ICT in teaching and learning plays a great role in assisting teachers in content delivery, hence improving student participation.The use of ICTs in lesson delivery is influenced by the teachers’ content knowledge and its relationship to ICT. The ICTacher’s own pedagogical beliefs and values play an important role in the shaping of technology-mediated learning opportunities especially when they (teachers) use ICTs as a ‘partner’ to change the way they interact with their students during the teaching and learning process. In order to successfully facilitate this process teachers need to have an extensive knowledge of ICT which will enable them select the most appropriate resources and also appropriately locate where the technology would best be utilized in an interactive subject matter delivery. Teachers may need to develop new pedagogies in order to understand how to incorporate the use of ICT into their lessons.

All the Government secondary schools in Kampala   are characterized by massive enrolment due to the introduction of the Universal Secondary Education. This in turn has resulted into in adequate number of text books despite the Government’s effort to have ‘one text book in the hand of each child’, insufficient teaching learning materials ill stocked libraries. The student –teacher ratio is 1:100 instead of the recommended 1:50. These large classes pose a challenge to the teachers who are over loaded because many schools are generally understaffed. These challenges and limitations pose a big threat to the provision service delivery in the schools. It is in this regard that there is need to empower teachers with the potentials of ICT, knowledge and skills in the integration of ICTs in the teaching and learning process in order to address the challenges stated above. 

Aim (max 80 words)

Approach/methods: (max 200 words)

Results: (max 200 words)

Conclusions and lessons learned (max 200 words)



Suggestions for the future (max 100 words)

Key words:



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