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Preventive Health Science/Editorial meetings 8 Aug 2017 to Dec 31 2018

From Wikiversity

Saturday 9 Feb 2019

  • Present: OJ,AA,CM
  • Time 11-13Hs
  • Place: Clinica Einstein
[edit | edit source]
  1. Education
  2. New project safety
  3. Next issue: suicide train review
[edit | edit source]
  • The goal is PhD for all in 3-10 years
  • Maestria/PhD UTech Panama/Barcelona
  • Maestria/Cadiz - PhD online Barcelona
  • Becas Senacyt
  • Metro project safety, data

Saturday 12 January 2019

Meeting January 12, 2019
  • Present: Dr. Olaf, Dr. Aparicio, Dra. Agnes, Ing.Cristian
  • Time 12-13Hs
  • Place: Clinica Einstein


  1. How to Edit the wikiversity website
  2. Remembering how to log in
  3. New Article published
  4. Next meeting in february

Saturday 5 January 2019

Editorial meeting 5 jan 2019 Agnes , Natasha, Aruxi, Olaf
  • Present: Dr. Olaf, Dr. Aparicio, Dra. Natasha, Dra. Agnes, Cristian
  • Time 11 - 12
  • Place: Clinica Einstein


  1. New proposals or ideas to discuss
  2. Invitation to write new articles
  3. Discussion about the CSS administration
  4. Have login ready

Sunday 2 December 2018

  • Present: Christian, Olaf
  • Time 11 - 12
  • Place: Clinica Einstein


  1. Agree to comply with the international medical etical principles and
  2. Commercial interests are not accepted
  3. Members of the editorial committee are active and able to propose and edit issues of the journal by using the TEMPLATE:


Sunday 2 December 2018

  • Present: Agnes, Olaf
  • Time 10 - 12
  • Place; CanalView


  • Revision and submission of the first issue
  • Application for ISNN number

Thursday 18 October 2018

  • Present: Agnes, Olaf
  • Time 16 - 18
  • Place; Clinica Einstein


  • Lay out decision
  • Guidelines for editorial work
  • Each of us search for relevant articles, prepare Spanish abstracts and send link of the PDF to the suscribers
  • The title is the original
  • A short max 50 words "conclusion" is added
  • Link to the original article added
  • Vol, year , date, month is given
  • A consecutive page number is given to the page - pages
  • A copy of the issue is stored in the Archives (docx version to search and find - not pdf)
  • Publish: Dear subscribers, please find the latest version of the journal - unsuscribe here

Tuesday 09 August 2018

  • Present: Olaf adn Christian
  • Time 17 - 19
  • Place; Clinica Einstein


  • creation with European colleagues a Scientific Committe for Transport workers. Christian will take the lead of the train transport, especially mental health in metro trains http://www.icohweb.org/site/scientific-committees.asp
  • We are doing this at the same time when we are developing the application for the European Horizon2020 mental health in the workplace.
  • The next step in our scientific journal is to agree on the template for our publications.
  • We intend to send out one article at a time and it will mainly be abstracts translated from Spanish with a link to the original article.
  • We will search articles about the mental health in the train operative system. This could be the first part of the PhD studies for Christian. Next part of in his study will be a quantity two based on data about health and safety in the operating system in the metro. He would also use qualitative studies with interviews all the different layers of employer is in the metro system.
  • Our meetings, looking backwards we can see it was difficult to meet all four of us. It might be a good idea, supplemental to the physical meeting to have Skype meetings and Sunday at 6 PM might be a good time.
  • There is a group of three persons in the Udelas who are interested to join us. We will talk with them.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

  • Present: Raul, Agnes and Christian
  • Time 17 - 18
  • Place; Clinica Einstein


  • Creation of objectives in the instagram account
  • Select an image to the cover intagram

Tuesday 8 May 2018

  • Present: Raul and Christian
  • Time 17 - 18
  • Place; Clinica Einstein


  • Created Instagram, cienciaspreventivas.
  • Look for pictures related to preventive health science.

Saturday 21 April 2018

  • Present: Raul, Agnes, and Christian
  • Time 10-12
  • Place; Clinica Einstein


  • Download Zotero.
  • Created Email,cienciaspreventivas@gmail.com
  • We talked about how to promote magazine through social media, using hashtag,topic trending.
  • Course of epidemiologic.
Preventive Health Science Editorial meeting 3 Apr 2018 Raul, Agnes, Olaf and Christian

Tuesday 3 April 2018

  • Present: Raul, Agnes, Olaf and Christian
  • Time 16-18
  • Place; Clinica Einstein


  • Dr. Olaf, refers to our approach that is preventive and that we need new subscribers for the scientific journal.
  • We have to look for scientific articles on: health, accident prevention and construction management, in the metro.
  • We have to familiarize ourselves with the epidemiology course and any questions or doubts, make it in the whatsapp group.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

  • Present: Raul, Ana, Christian, Olaf, Agnes
  • Time 16-18
  • Place; Clinica Einstein


  • Propossal design
  • to get list of "Suscritores" all are members who are inspired to contribute to the Revista.
  • The main objectives of the group, which are: to carry out the scientific journal and to form a research school.
  • We have to learn to use different tools that help us in research, which are: Zotero and Googleforms.
  • A WhatsApp group was created, in which it includes the participants of the meeting.
  • Dra. Agnes commented that his place work in Arraijan, there is a possible source of information to conduct occupational health research by workers engaged in fishing.
  • The reference websites to look for real information, which are: Medline and Pubmed.
  • Dr. Olaf explains that we should take the Occupational Epidemiology course.

Saturday 17 March 2018

  • Present: Rimsky, Christian, Olaf, Agnes
  • Time 10-12
  • Place; Clinica Einstein


  • Propossal design
  • to get list of "Suscritores" all are members who are inspired to contribute to the Journal

New Editorial meeting: Saturday 30 Sep 2017

  • Present:
  • Time 12-13
  • Place; Clinica Einstein


  • Propossal design
  • There are no "Suscritores" all are members who are inspired to contribute to the Revista

Editorial meeting: Saturday 16 Sep 2017

  • Present: Olaf
  • Time 12-13
  • Place; Clinica Einstein


  • New meeting 30 Sep
  • Proposal design sendt to editorial group
  • Suscritories is no more relevant, all should be members of the NGO inspiration to contribute to the Revista

Editorial meeting: Tuesday 22 Aug 2017

  • Present: Olaf, Aranzazu
  • Time 11-12
  • Place; Uni Tech de Panama


  • orientation
  • evt register - ISBN wait till jan
  • new meeting start of oct

  • Editorial meeting: Saturday 19 Aug 2017
  • Present: Olaf, Christian
  • Time 12-13
  • Place; Clinica Einstein
  • Agenda:
  1. Alliance with the Panama revista a good possibility http://www.comunicacionparaeldesarrollo.org/article/periodico-ambiental-genesis/
  2. Responsibilities for the editors
  3. Wikiversity editions
  4. New issues of "La Revista.."
  5. Search PubMed for Panama related new publications
  6. Group photo

Editorial meetings: Saturdays

  • 19 Aug
  • 26 Aug
  • 16 Sep
  • Time 12-13
  • Place; Clinica Einstein
  • Agenda:
  1. Responsibilities for the editors
  2. Wikiversity editions
  3. New issues of "La Revista.."
  4. Search PubMed for Panama related new publications
  5. Group photo

12 Aug 2017 Olaf , Christian, Agnes
  • 12 Aug 2017: 12-13

Present: Christian Munoz, Agnes Flores, Olaf Jensen Agenda:

  1. Welcome and presentation
  2. Orientation on the homepage and publish new issues
  3. Responsibilties:
  • Agnes Flores: will be responsible in maritime/occupational health and take care of the mail addresses
  • Christian Munoz: will be responsible Editor for the environmental part - together with Aranzazu
  • All Editors create their own account in Wikiversity

Next Meeting: 19 Aug 2017:12-13 The agenda for the next meetings:

  • Editorial meeting 2017

Present Agenda:

The agenda for the next meetings: