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Reviewing My Semester with the FUN WITH ENGLISH 7A & 8A Textbooks/8A Lesson 3

From Wikiversity
Mr. Danoff's Lesson Plan Data (Dates relate to when lesson was administered)
Date: Length (Min): Location: Textbook: Chapter #: Lesson #: Topic: # of Students: Document Version:
c. Late Sep 2009 45 English Salon FWE 8A 2 3 Future plans 25+ 0.2
  1. Greeting
    • How's it going?
    • Depending on their answers, ask "why?"
  2. Conversation
    • What did you do after school yesterday?
    • What are you going to do this Sunday?
    • Who is your favorite actress?
  3. Page 7 Exercise A
    • Ask for volunteers, if none, split the class in half.
    • After they read twice, have them do the exercises.
    • Why is she writing the letter?
  4. P 7 Ex B
    • Ask for volunteers, if none, split the class in half.
    • After they read twice, have them do the exercises.
  5. P8 EA
    • I read.
  6. P8 EB
    • I read.
    • Ask about their timetables.
  7. 7 P9
    • I read.
    • What does Mary say is "the most important part about choosing a job?"
  8. Name Practice
    • Have all the kids stand up, then sit down as I list of their names.
  9. Simon Says
    • For instructions write "Stand up" and "Simon says stand up" on the board. Explain the former is not OK, while the latter is, then start the game.
    • Lead 2 or 3 rounds depending on how fast it goes, then ask if any students would like to read.


[edit | edit source]
  • Ver 0.1 / c. Late Sep 2009
  • Ver 0.2 / 17 Feb 2011
    • Wikignomed for publication on Wikiversity.