Public Health Policy/Individual paper

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Assignment 1 details

On policy issue and theory

3000 words / 40%

16 April 2015

For the individual mid-term paper (due 30 April) students are to select a policy issue close to their heart. They are to write an academic-level, fully referenced and well structured (headings, paragraphs, figure and table captions where necessary) report on the policy issue determining existing problems, current policies, prevalent politics and governance determinants, and reflect on political theory that would enhance the possibility of new policy being formed for this particular issue. Students who do not immediately find a policy issue close to their heart may be inspired by using the ‘issue selector’ as outlined in the introductory lecture (watch video):

Based on the submissions, the subject coordinator will form groups of like-minded students who will join in developing a policy brief on a given (and similar to individual policy issue) topic. This policy brief will be submitted by group (see assignment 2)

Based on these submissions students will develop a 30 second ‘elevator pitch’ (see assignment 3).