Professional Development for Teachers of Health Professionals/Write a subject outline/subject outline template

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Draft a concise subject summary here. Use simple English in the second person (eg. In this subject you will learn...).

Start with a sentence on what the subject is about and how it is relevant. Follow with a sentence or two on the range of topics and/or skills taught, and how they are taught (eg. Through videos and readings, skills workshops and assignment work, you will learn...). Follow with a sentence on the type of commitment people will have to make to successfully complete the subject (You will be expected to commit to a minimum of 5 hours per week for 10 weeks in this subject). Finish with a sentence or two on assessment options open to people (eg. Your assignment work or an equivalent body of evidence will be used to assess your learning outcomes in this subject).


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Write the learning objectives to the appropriate AQF Level. Factor in any relevant professional accreditation expectations, as well as any hosting educational institution graduate attributes.



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Devise no more than 3 methods for assessing learning outcomes. Essentially you need to gather the best evidence possible that a someone has met the objectives of the subject. Only collect enough evidence for what has been listed as a learning objective. Detail the criteria for each assessment. Consider student and assessor workload and try to reduce both. See Activities, Assignments and Assessment for ideas for assessment methods.

Schedule of learning activities

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Devise a number of learning activities that stay within student and tutor workload targets. Consider a weekly or topical schedule, and continuously work towards detailing as much of this schedule as possible - such as pre recorded mini lectures, workshop notes, excursion details, tutorial handouts, readings and progress guides for assignments.


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A version of this template is also developing on developing on Google Docs, with more helpful layout, links and advice. Please help copy its content into this Wikiversity page, and keep the two consistent. Both can be used as an option.

A guide for language.
Everyday language
superior better
co-operate work together
endeavour try
utilise use
sufficient enough
additional extra
in excess of more than
strive aim
advise tell
apparent clear
facilitate help
in order to to
prior to before
  • Benefits not features: This course is a flexible course that offers a wide range of disciplines ☒N This flexible course prepares you for a wide range of occupations checkY
  • First and second person narrative: In this course students will learn.. ☒N in this course you will learn.. checkY
  • The active voice: A decision will be taken by the committee at the end of the month ☒N The committee will decide by the end of the month checkY
  • Core tone:
☒N There is a clear focus on developing capabilities (e.g., communication, creative problem solving, critical thinking, teamwork, research, ethical behaviour) to enhance students’ future employability. As a new student to the Faculty, in first year you will also automatically be enrolled in an academic literacy subject to diagnostically assess your academic writing skills. Students who pass the assessment will be precluded from the subject and free to enrol in an elective or chosen discipline-based subject while those who do not pass the assessment will stay enrolled to ensure their academic writing skills are improved to the point that they can successfully engage with the curriculum and succeed with their studies.
checkY We focus on making sure you develop the capabilities you need (like communication, creative problem solving, critical thinking, teamwork, research and ethical behaviour) to enhance your employability. The curriculum also includes a compulsory academic literacy subject to assess your academic writing skills. Once you pass this assessment you can take another subject in its place.