Mergers and Acquisitions/The Deal Cycle

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Welcome to M&A and the Deal Cycle, M&A 5200. This course is designed to introduce the student to essential concepts and cycles of mergers and acquisitions.

Course Outline[edit | edit source]

Course Outline Course Outline & Syllabus

Sessions[edit | edit source]

Session 1: Basic Principles and Concepts
Session 2: Building Your Team
Session 3: Screening Prospects and Potential Candidates
Session 4: Initial Negotiations and Letter of Intent
Session 5: Due Diligence and Valuations
Session 6: Finalizing the Deal
Session 7: Closing the Deal
Session 8: Postmortem Analysis

Required Reading[edit | edit source]

HBR: Mergers and Acquisitions
Wikipedia book on Mergers and Acquisitions

Suggested Reading[edit | edit source]

The Art of M&A Due Diligence