African Arthropods/Diptera

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Diptera is a large order of insects, comprising the two-winged flies. Species from 108 families of Diptera are known in the Afrotropical realm. These families are covered in the Manual of Afrotropical Diptera; the first three volumes of this four-volume project have been published, with the fourth volume expected in 2024. The first three volumes can be accessed at these sites: The Natural History Museum: Manual of Afrotropical Diptera; and the SANBI Repository (Volume 1; Volume 2; Volume 3).

The following cladogram is based on the FLYTREE project.[1]


Ptychopteromorpha - Ptychopteridae (phantom crane flies), Tanyderidae - (primitive crane-flies)

Culicomorpha - Culicoidea (midges and mosquitoes), Chironomoidea (midges and black flies)

Blephariceromorpha - Blephariceridae (net-winged midges), Deuterophlebiidae (mountain midges), Nymphomyiidae

Bibionomorpha (gnats)

Psychodomorpha (drain flies, sand flies, etc)

w:Tipuloidea (crane flies)


Stratiomyomorpha (soldier flies, etc)

Xylophagomorpha (stink flies, etc)

Tabanomorpha (horse flies, snipe flies, etc)



w:Asiloidea (robber flies, bee flies, etc)


w:Empidoidea (dance flies, etc)


Aschiza (in part)

w:Phoroidea (flat-footed flies, etc)

w:Syrphoidea (hoverflies)


w:Hippoboscoidea (louse flies, etc)

w:Muscoidea (house flies, dung flies, etc)

w:Oestroidea (blow flies, flesh flies, etc)

Acalyptratae (marsh flies, etc)

Abbreviations used in the cladogram:


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  1. Yeates, David K.; Meier, Rudolf; Wiegmann, Brian. "Phylogeny of True Flies (Diptera): A 250 Million Year Old Success Story in Terrestrial Diversification". Flytree. Illinois Natural History Survey. Retrieved 24 May 2016.