Talk:Introduction to Parkinson's Science/Draft Questions 3

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The characteristic symptoms of Parkinson's arise because there is a deficit in the production of the neurotransmitter, dopamine, in a particular part of the brain.

Why is there not enough dopamine?[edit source]

Dopamine is produced by nerve cells in a part of the brain called the substantia nigra and is delivered to a nearby part of the brain called the putamen which is part of the striatum. When the movement difficulties in Parkinson's appear about 80% of those brain cells have died off. Blah



Blah blah

Blah blah

Blah blah

Blah blah

Follow-up questions
  • What treatment can be given ?
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    • Brief description of what the answer will cover
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    • Brief description of what the answer will cover
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    • Brief description of what the answer will cover
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