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An orbit is the path that an object moves around a star, a planet, or a moon. Many years ago, people thought that the Sun orbits in a circle around the Earth; the Sun came up in the east and went down in the west. It just seemed to make sense that the Sun was going around the Earth. But now we know that the Sun is the center of the Solar System, and the Earth orbits around the Sun.

轨道 是 物体 围绕 恒星,行星 或 月球 移动的 路径。许多 年 之前,人们 认为 太阳 绕着 地球 旋转;太阳 从 东方 升起,向 西方 降落。太阳 环绕 地球 运行 似乎 是 有道理的。但是 现在 我们 知道 太阳 是 太阳系的 中心,地球 围绕 太阳 运行。